Travel Ebooks

Prep and plan for your next journey with our essential selection of travel ebooks. You’ll find helpful and inspiring travel guides, maps, and photography books on destinations like Asia, Europe, New Orleans, and more top tourist destinations. No matter how long your travel bucket list is, you’ll find the best travel guidebooks to get you dreaming.

Prep and plan for your next journey with our essential selection of travel ebooks. You’ll find helpful and inspiring travel guides, maps, and photography books on destinations like Asia, Europe, New Orleans, and more top tourist destinations. No matter how long your travel bucket list is, you’ll find the best travel guidebooks to get you dreaming.


We're shining a light on the hottest new releases and binge-worthy ebooks you don't want to miss.
Tender Maps: Travels in Search of the Emotions of Place
Tender Maps: Travels in Search of the Emotions of Place
Tender Maps: Travels in Search of the Emotions of Place
Tender Maps: Travels in Search of the Emotions of Place

Tender Maps: Travels in Search of the Emotions of Place

byAlice Maddicott

'Of all the places where I feel the translucency of things, places that are thin for me, bluebell woods are first among them.' Some travellers are driven by the need to scale a natural wonder, or to see a city's sights or a place of history. Others, like Alice Maddicott, travel in search of a particular scene, feeling or atmosphere, often inspired by music, literature and art. Taking us deep into our emotional and creative responses to place, this extraordinary book explores the author's relentless travelling, from the heat of Sicily to the mountains of Japan. With her uniquely lyrical approach to psycho-geography, Maddicott explores the relationship with landscape that is the very essence of human creativity. From seventeenth-century salons of Paris to the underground culture and crumbling balconies of modern Tbilisi, through writers as diverse as Italo Calvino and L. M. Montgomery and artists like Ana Mendieta and eighteenth-century girls embroidering their lives, Tender Maps is a beautifully evocative book of travel, culture and imagination that transports readers in time and place. 'A rich and beguiling work of literary travel memoir that nimbly tracks the wider contours of the world in terms of feeling, memory, introspection and the imagination.' - Travis Elborough, author of Atlas of Vanishing Places

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About Travel

Take a trip around the world with words on a page—no plane ticket necessary! The best travel books take us on journeys to incredible places, help us plan trips, discover new cultures, and explore magical places from the comfort of home. You’ll find travel books for Asia, Europe, and more incredible destinations. Experience the pleasures of exotic locales, minus the jet lag. There’s much more to high-quality travel reads than just road maps and lists of must-see attractions. Our selection of travel ebooks explores everything from the ways that travel and self-discovery intertwine, the fine art of solo travelling, and helpful advice on how to prepare for certain unexpected (and anxiety-provoking) scenarios when you're abroad. Take a look at bestselling ebooks on travel like 1000 Places to See Before You Die, An Innocent Abroad: Life-Changing Trips from 35 Great Writers, and The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel. These inspiring books on travelling are often graced with beautiful illustrations and photos that tell the visual story of each city, county, region, and neighbourhood. Some of the itineraries in travel ebooks include train rides through Kazakhstan (Around the World in 80 Trains) and romantic vacations in Europe (Paris Letters: A Travel Memoir about Art, Writing, and Finding Love in Paris). You don't have to be a seasoned traveler to enjoy these stunning and fascinating nonfiction travel books that take us to new places, both mentally and emotionally.

Take a trip around the world with words on a page—no plane ticket necessary! The best travel books take us on journeys to incredible places, help us plan trips, discover new cultures, and explore magical places from the comfort of home. You’ll find travel books for Asia, Europe, and more incredible destinations. Experience the pleasures of exotic locales, minus the jet lag. There’s much more to high-quality travel reads than just road maps and lists of must-see attractions. Our selection of travel ebooks explores everything from the ways that travel and self-discovery intertwine, the fine art of solo travelling, and helpful advice on how to prepare for certain unexpected (and anxiety-provoking) scenarios when you're abroad. Take a look at bestselling ebooks on travel like 1000 Places to See Before You Die, An Innocent Abroad: Life-Changing Trips from 35 Great Writers, and The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel. These inspiring books on travelling are often graced with beautiful illustrations and photos that tell the visual story of each city, county, region, and neighbourhood. Some of the itineraries in travel ebooks include train rides through Kazakhstan (Around the World in 80 Trains) and romantic vacations in Europe (Paris Letters: A Travel Memoir about Art, Writing, and Finding Love in Paris). You don't have to be a seasoned traveler to enjoy these stunning and fascinating nonfiction travel books that take us to new places, both mentally and emotionally.